Tuesday 1 December 2015


It is a quiet time in our garden in terms of doing jobs but we still keep ourselves busy by collecting seeds from our garden flowers but also collecting the potatoes that we sowed at the beginning of September. We had to collect them earlier than planned because we haven't found an organic solution to avoid the slugs and snails eating our harvest. However we collected a few dozen new potatoes so hopefully we will be able to eat them in a potato salad or keep them to replant in the future.

On a separate note, we have exciting news in that we have been awarded Level One in the RHS School Gardening Awards! So what does this mean for our project? Well, it means that we will get support and guidance to convert our garden into a successful learning resource. So by following their guidelines and proving to them our achievements, we aim to reach Level 5 in the future....watch this space!!

Level 1 Certificate

Habitat Identification Guides