Thursday 28 April 2016

All sort of news

During the last few month we have been really busy thinking about to keep developing our garden possibilities.
First, we achieved the Level 2 of the School Gardening Awards, sponsored by the RHS. Now, we are hoping to get the Level 3 soon and work on the next level during the summer term.
Also, we have been in touch with the One tree per Child project, here in Bristol. They donated 10 apple trees that we planted and looking after them carefully we got the in bloom a few weeks ago so now we are monitoring the trees seeking for the first signs of any fruit. 

Much more have happened but we will save the news for the next post! 

Gardening through the sense

Before Easter, we homed a gardening group for parents and children to learn how to enjoy and learn gardening at the same time we spend time play.

Organized by the Bristol Learning Communities Team and the Families Services of Knowle West Children Centre, this group went on for five weeks being a success.
Due it was planned for a small group, many parents that could not join in this edition were interested on attending in a future occasion.
Delivered but an amazing teacher and gardener but greater person Katherine Asal, the sessions were busy from the first minute to the last. 
Have a look to the following picture and description of the sessions.